| 1. | But that suggestion diverts attention from the real nano goo : chemical and biological weapons 但是这个建议转移了大家对真正的纳米粘质一生化武器的注意力。 |
| 2. | An obvious answer , and one of grave concern to u . s . military planners , is that such states might turn to an unconventional arsenal , most importantly chemical and biological weapons 很明显,这些国家可能会转向使用以化学和生物武器为主的非常规武器,这令美国军事部署者忧虑重重。 |
| 3. | He has come under strong pressure from republicans and democrats in congress to support an independent probe into intelligence that said iraq possessed chemical and biological weapons when none have been found 关于伊拉克是否真的拥有生化武器,对于这个问题,国会支持组建工作组进行分析研究,为此布什曾受到来自国会的巨大压力。 |
| 4. | In the case of chemical and biological weapons , it appears that the likelihood of use by both hostile states and terrorist groups is growing , and it is clear that even one such attack against an unprotected population could be devastating 敌对国家及恐怖组织使用生化武器的可能性在不断增加,而且毫无保护的人群哪怕遭受一次这样的袭击,其后果也显然是毁灭性的。 |
| 5. | Wauter basson , a former head of project coast , south africa ' s chemical and biological weapons unit during the time of apartheid , was charged with killing hundreds of blacks in south africa and namibia between 1979 and 1987 , many by poison injections “工程海岸”是南非种族隔离时期的一个生化武器单位,该部门的前领导人沃特.拜森被控于1979年至1987年间在南非和津巴布韦杀死了数百名黑人,其中很多人是通过毒药注射。 |
| 6. | We will continue to evaluate whether subsequent interactions between chinese and iranian entities are consistent with the chinese " no new nuclear cooperation " pledge . with regard to chemical and biological weapons , china is a party to the biological weapons convention and the chemical weapons convention . but china s chemical - related export controls are not yet up to the australia group standard and only cover 10 of the 20 australia group - listed items not also on the cwc schedules 在化学和生物武器方面,中国参加了《禁止生物武器公约》和《禁止化学武器公约》 。但是,中国有关化学武器的出口管制尚未达到澳大利亚集团的标准,只涵盖澳大利亚集团清单上不包括在《禁止生物武器公约》清单中的20个物项中的10项。 |
| 7. | In may 1997 , he was among seven chinese entities sanctioned , pursuant to the chemical and biological weapons control and warfare elimination act of 1991 , for knowingly and materially assisting iran s chemical weapons program through the transfer of chemical weapons precursor chemicals andor chemical weapons - related production equipment and technology 根据1991年的《管制化学与生物武器和消除化学与生物战争法》 ,他是于1997年5月因故意通过转让制造化学武器的前体化学品和或与化学武器相关的生产设备和技术向伊朗化学武器项目提供物质援助而受到制裁的7个中国有关实体之一。 |
| 8. | Since 1997 the u . s . has imposed sanctions on 13 chinese entities under the chemical and biological weapons control and warfare elimination act of 1991 and the iran nonproliferation act of 2000 . in november 2000 , china committed not to assist , in any way , any country in the development of missile technology control regime ( mtcr ) annex - listed ballistic missiles , to improve and reinforce its export control system , and to publish at an early date a comprehensive missile - related export control list and related regulations 附表中所列的弹道导弹,并承诺完善与加强中国的出口管制制度,早日公布管制与导弹相关的出口的完整清单及有关规定。但是,中国未能全面履行有关承诺。中国的一些实体不久前向巴基斯坦提供了与导弹相关的技术援助。 |
| 9. | Nowhere is preventive defense more important than in countering the spread of nuclear , chemical and biological weapons . during the cold war , the world lived with the nightmare prospect of global nuclear holocaust , and the united states and the soviet union relied on deterrence , a balance of terror known as mutual assured destruction , or mad 一份对不良帮派所作的全国性调查中提到,三分之二的人表示,就为了别人对他们表现无礼而射杀他人这样的作法并没有错,父母在读到这类的报导时会感到畏惧厌恶,这不是种族主义。 |
| 10. | Therefore , the administration continues to maintain a system of dual - use controls , including on china , that focuses on evaluating the appropriateness of the proposed export to the civil needs of the end - user and the risk of diversion . the commerce department under the ear maintains dual - use controls that include china in the following areas of proliferation and military concern ; national security ( ns ) , nuclear nonproliferation ( np ) , missile technology ( mt ) , and chemical and biological weapons ( cb ) 美国商务部根据《出口管理条例》 ( ear )在以下涉及扩散和军事问题的领域对两用品实施管制,其中包括对中国;国家安全( ns ) 、核不扩散( np ) 、导弹技术( mt )和化学及生物武器( cb ) 。涉及国家安全的管制特别提出广泛审议的政策,如向中国的某项出口对电子和反潜艇战争、情报收集、力量推进或空中优势有“直接或重大”作用,将拒绝核准。 |